
Friday, October 06, 2006

October Surprise

You know it's political season when name recognition extends to four-year-olds. Benjamin today picked up a flyer from a realtor, pointed to the realtor's portrait on the sheet and asked if the man pictured was Jim Doyle. Jim Doyle is our governor here in Wisconsin currently running for re-election.

True, Benjamin is not quite ready to identify the Governor by sight. Nevertheless, the Governor, with all due respect, would be, I think, much complimented to have someone mistake the much better-looking, younger, and much less bald realtor in question for him.

Hey, Mike Timmins1 of Homestead Real Estate, if you're out there, you've got my son's vote.
1 Names changed to protect the innocent

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't be too young to understand how the world turns! You could probably get him to vote... There was another scandal in Québec (canada) where dead people were found (again) voting in a party race. Maybe it has to do with halloween... Those damn corpses are at it again!